Friday 25 April 2014

Well it's been quite a while since my last post as I've been working, revising and of course sorting all my paperwork for my J1 application which has been a bit of a nightmare so far if I'm honest. So here's the latest updates.

After sending of my initial paperwork just over three weeks ago I've had emails back and forth regarding bank letters etc that I need to apply for my Visa through GSU, but finally it's all starting to go through. So much so that I am now officially a Georgia State student! Woo go Panthers and all that school spirit hoo-ha!

I've been looking through classes online as I need to chose 3 classes to go along with my core class on 'American Culture and the southern states' (or something along those lines) and I'm hoping to choose Monday-Wednesday classes that will let me travel over a long weekend in between studying!

I recently found out that I can get a Megabus to Orlando from Atlanta for a $1!! Amazing! It does involve sitting on a bus for 10 hours but I consider that worth it if Disney World is at the end.

Speaking of bargains, I've also been flicking through this little gem that I bought for a £1 the other day at a table-top sale.

Something caught my eye about New Orleans and the LaLaurie Home which is said to be haunted by the ghosts of tortured slaves that were discovered in the attic of the building. It caught my eye as anyone who has seen the third season of 'American Horror Story' will know that there is a very similar plot line in 'Coven'. I love the fact they've taken inspiration from real events and I think this is a place that will be on my list to see if/when I go to New Orleans!

So that's the roundup of everything going on with me at the moment. I can't promise there will be many posts to follow in the next few weeks as I have my exams but I'm hoping to get posting once I've got those out the way and can concentrate on getting more buzzed about Atlanta!

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