Friday 21 February 2014

So I received an email yesterday with the date and time of my first official 'Orientation Meeting' which is on the 13th of March. It's basically a meeting with everyone who is going in August, along with our parents to talk about all the important stuff, such as health insurance, enrollment, visa applications, finance and general form filling out fun! I can't wait to finally get stuck in with all the official business to start planning the move, although I have a feeling I won't be saying that when I'm knee deep in extra paperwork and financial stress, however I'm hoping it will be worth it! 

I recently started a new part time job as well as all of this which is fab, seeing as I need all the money I can get, in order for me to make the most of next year! So far its been good, bit of a learning curve but what the heck! 

Speaking of spending I also started looking at flights today. It's starting to all feel a bit more real now which I love, as up to know it's all been a bit of an excitable blur! I love flying so even the thought of being in an airport puts me in a giddy mood! Just another bonus of studying my second year across the pond!

My next post will hopefully have a lot more exciting information to give and I might even pop in a cheeky UK vs. USA feature or two in the mean time, but for now you'll just have to make do!


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